CEC sends a message of solidarity with our Spanish colleagues and calls for collective responsibility
CEC European Managers would like to express our support and solidarity with our Spanish friends, who see the tragedy in Valencia as one of the worst humanitarian crises we have witnessed in Europe recently.
We highlight the commitment of emergency and rescue workers, medical services, leaders, and managers to save lives and ensure a return to normality as soon as possible.
We want to support managers in all affected sectors, such as transport, healthcare, energy, and administration. We call for their rights to be respected and urge the authorities to guarantee that they can all carry out their tasks safely.
We are also touched by the human displays of affection and actions of solidarity carried out by thousands of volunteers who have made themselves available to help in these difficult times, and we call for collective responsibility to ensure that such help reaches the places it’s more needed.
We share the message of our member organisation in Spain, the Confederación de Cuadros Profesionales—CCP, and reiterate our full willingness to help in these difficult times.
MESSAGE FROM SPAIN – Confederación de Cuadros Profesionales
Desde CCP queremos transmitir nuestra solidaridad con todas las personas que se han visto afectadas por la DANA y sus consecuencias, y dar nuestro más sentido pésame a los familiares de las víctimas de esta catástrofe que han perdido la vida.
Nuestra organización se pone a disposición de todas las organizaciones y miembros que la integran para ofrecer su apoyo, y todo aquello que sea necesario, para superar la situación tan dramática que se está viviendo en nuestro país y, principalmente, en las comunidades de Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha y Andalucía.
En este sentido ponemos a disposición de todos nuestros afiliados y familiares el servicio psicológico Stimulus, se trata de una ayuda psicológica para todas aquellas personas que lo necesiten ante un suceso traumático o de crisis como el que estamos padeciendo.
CCP wants to express our solidarity with all the people who have been affected by the DANA and its consequences and share our deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims of this catastrophe who have lost their lives.
Our organisation is available to all its members to offer its support and everything necessary to overcome the dramatic situation experienced in our country, mainly in Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, and Andalusia communities.
In this sense, we make the psychological service Stimulus available to all our members and relatives. It is psychological help for all those who need it in the face of a traumatic event or crisis such as the one we are suffering.
You can read the full message here [+]