The world of work is evolving rapidly: while flexible work models can allow for better working conditions, social inequalities increasingly threaten social mobility. Merit and equal opportunities have to remain central to employment. In the European Social Dialogue, CEC underlines the specific role, responsibilities and necessities of managers.

European Commission launches a public consultation on the European pillar of social rights

Anticipated by President Juncker in September 2015, the communication…

Consultation – A new skills agenda for Europe

In February 2016, CEC European Managers has participated…

CEC European Managers responds to the consultation of the European Social Partners on a new start for work-life balance

European Social Partners have been invited by the European Commission…

Social partners launch negotiations on active ageing and intergenerational solidarity

An autonomous agreement should be signed among EU social partners…

CEC European Managers attends the Tripartite Social Summit

Last October 15th Ludger Ramme, President of CEC European…

Consultation – Challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers

Please find the first phase consultation on "Challenges of work-life…