Making our model of the social market economy more resilient to the ongoing major global transformations means to learn from past crisis by reviewing the rules and investing in quality growth supported by technologies. The digital revolution offers enormous opportunities. Social dialogue, sustainable social protection systems and innovative leadership in companies have to be thought together to make it a success.

EU company law consultation

CEC European Managers has participated in the consultation on…

Launch of project on industrial relations and the collaborative economy

As a European Social Partner, CEC European Managers participates…

Diversity Management Experiences

The second part of our diversity dossier on diversity management…

Launch of the digital skills and job coalition

CEC European Managers has participated in the launch of the…

Digital skills round table: a call for leadership

As one of the European social partners CEC European Managers…

Final conference of the joint CEC-Eurocadres project on a European Model of Managerial Responsibility

Funded by the European Commission, the project aimed at analyzing…