
Discover CEC European Managers’ positions on the many issues of economical, technical and social nature, that are relevant for the societies managers live in. You may look for our positions in thematic categories under ‘our topics’.

EU leaders call for comprehensive telework policies in response to European Commission’s consultation

Through CEC European Managers, member organisations of leaders…

EU Traineeships Under the Spotlight: Second Round of Consultations

The European Commission has launched its second round of consultations…

Promoting quality traineeships in a lifelong learning perspective

As recognised European social partner, CEC European Managers…

Leveraging social innovation for a more resilient EU economy

In its response to the European Commission's consultation on…

The platform economy needs to deliver on sustainable innovation for people and business

In its response to the European Commission’s consultation on…

Sustainable Corporate Governance: more carrots and less sticks

CEC European Managers welcomes the EU’s new Sustainable Corporate…