
Here you can find all the information about our latest activities in chronological order: events, publications, newsletters and speeches.

Declaration of La Hulpe signature

Social partners celebrate the high-level declaration for EU social rights and economic prosperity

The three EU institutions, the EU Parliament, the EU Commission,…
Gender Equality - Key Priorities for Managers - EU Elections 2024

2/7 – Ensure gender (and diversity) inclusive workplaces – EU Elections

69% of Europeans consider gender inequality a serious problem…
Artificial Intelligence / Digitalization: Key Priorities for Managers - EU Elections 2024

1/7 Digitalization – EU Elections

There seems to be a global consensus regarding leadership…
Use Your Leadership - EU Elections campaign for EU Managers

Join our campaign

The 2024 European Parliament election is scheduled for 6 to…
Shortage of Skills - EU Commission

CEC welcomes actions to tackle labour and skills shortages

On Wednesday, 20 March 2024, the EU Commission presented an action…

EU Managers put leadership on the Artificial Intelligence agenda

  CEC European Managers publishes its position paper…