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The 2024 European Parliament election is scheduled for 6 to 9 June 2024. This will be the tenth parliamentary election since the first direct elections in 1979 and the first European Parliament election after Brexit.
European Union citizens directly elect the future MEPs of the EU Parliament through direct suffrage, and this institution has powers over essential issues such as how public money is spent through the European Union’s common budget or how the European single market is regulated.
One of the main duties of the European Parliament is electing the next EU Commission President, whom the European Council proposes. This decision must be carried out by an absolute majority (half of all MEPs, plus one) and is very relevant for social dialogue because, under Article 154 TFEU, the Commission is obliged to consult social partners before taking any action in the field of social policy.
That is why, as one of the European Commission’s social partners, we are very engaged in helping 2024 European Elections become a success.
One of the main duties of the European Parliament is electing the next EU Commission President, whom the European Council proposes.
CEC European Managers is endorsing the European Parliament’s campaign, USE YOUR VOTE, and encourages you to do the same with this personalized claim we make available for managers and the general public: USE YOUR LEADERSHIP.
Social Dialogue and the European Parliament
Under Article 151 TFEU, promoting dialogue between management and labour is recognised as a common objective of the EU and the Member States. Therefore, involving the social partners in decision-making and implementing European policies is a crucial objective of the European institutions.
Throughout its history, the European Parliament has held the view that social dialogue is an essential element in the traditions of the Member States; that is why the Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs has frequently invited social partners at EU level to present their views.
The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for the reinforcement of social partners’ roles in the new economic governance process, particularly after the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty and the resolution on employment and social aspects of the Troika’s role and operations approved in March 2014.
In that regard, Parliament has been calling on the European Commission and the Member States to step up concrete support for genuine social dialogue, going beyond mere consultation and, in 2019, it welcomed the imminent launch of the European Labor Authority but reiterated that the autonomy of the social partners, their capacity to act as representatives of workers and employers and the diversity of national industrial relations systems should always be respected.
More recently, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, social dialogue gained momentum, and collective bargaining was prioritized in several resolutions. The Parliament proposed that fair conditions should be considered for companies accessing public funds, requiring them to engage workers in decision-making processes.
The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for the reinforcement of social partners’ roles
To sum up, like the European Union, European Social Dialogue is an ongoing process in which the Parliament is a crucial actor. Some achievements, such as the Val Duchesse process, initiated in 1985 by Commission President Jacques Delors, the 1986 Single European Act – which created a legal basis for the development of “Community-wide social dialogue” or the 2017 European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) which is also providing respect for the autonomy and the right to the collective action of social partners, are a tangible result of Parliament‘s task.
Given the importance of the European Parliament‘s role and the upcoming European elections, CEC European Managers wants to encourage managers to empower themselves, vote, and put seven essential points of particular relevance on the agenda.
CEC European Managers is endorsing the European Parliament’s campaign, USE YOUR VOTE
7 Managers Priorities for the 2024 European Parliament Elections
The 7 key priorities to be taken into account by the future European representatives are:
1. Digitalization
2. Ensure Gender – and diversity – inclusive workplaces
3. Smart change
4. Sustainable leadership
5. Defending Democracy and promoting social dialogue
6. Tackle labor shortages
7. Open invitation to collaborate with CEC European Managers
Each one of these points is currently impacting European managers, and they need to be addressed by effective and reassuring policies.
Transformation processes such as automation, remote work, flexible work arrangement, data analytics, or the implementation of Artificial Intelligence tools are in the eyes of many leaders who understand their crucial role.
Digitalization transforms work and offers increased efficiency, flexibility, and innovation opportunities. However, it also poses challenges and uncertainties, and certain principles, such as the right to have a human manager, must be respected and taken into account.
CEC European Managers stands with leaders and managers and encourages European citizens to ensure policymakers work for a safe transition to the digital era.
As bridge-builders, managers and leaders are also fostering gender equality and ensuring individuals of all genders have equal opportunities, receive equal treatment, and are represented in the workplace.
Therefore, as a European organization representing more than 1 million managers, we consider that management professionals should be equipped with the necessary tools to address and eliminate gender-based discrimination, bias, and stereotypes that may hinder the full participation and advancement of individuals in the workforce.
In the coming weeks, CEC European Managers will break down each of these issues and explore the effects adequate policies will have on EU citizens if these seven key priorities are considered.
For now, we invite you to visit our Use Your Leadership campaign page, download the graphic materials and videos we have prepared, and share them on your social networks and communities.
Join our campaign and #UseYourLeadership