Shortage of Skills - EU Commission

CEC welcomes actions to tackle labour and skills shortages

On Wednesday, 20 March 2024, the EU Commission presented an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages and proposed working together with Member States and social partners.

In an official communication, the EU Commission expressed its aim to address these issues over the coming months and years, and its action plan is part of a whole EU strategy to boost its competitiveness.

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CEC European Managers welcomes the EU Commission’s initiative as a brave first movement towards tackling labour and skills shortages.

Maxime Legrand, CEC European Managers President


As stated by the EU Commission, the brand-new action plan is one of the key deliverables of the European Year of Skills. It builds on the many policy and funding measures already in place at EU level, such as the Pact for Skills – which has so far provided training to 3.5 million workers –, the 2030 employment and skills targets endorsed at the Porto Social Summit, the adequate minimum wages and platform work directives, and the €65 billion in EU funds available to invest in skills.

It is also a follow-up to the Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit of January 2024.

The five areas of the plan include:

  • Supporting the activation of underrepresented people in the labour market
  • Providing support for skills development, training and education
  • Improving working conditions in certain sectors
  • Improving fair intra-EU mobility for workers and learners
  • Attracting talent from outside the EU



You can download the official communication materials of the action plan here: