International Women’s Day: female leaders needed

At the occasion of this year’s International Women’s Day,…

Digitalisation and transnational social dialogue – a model for innovation?

CEC European Managers participates in a project on social…

Dedicated hearing – initiative on the European Labour Authority and the European Social Security Number

European social partners, including CEC, have been invited…

Access to social protection – second phase consultation

CEC European Managers is in favour of extending social protection…

The year in short: an urgent call for overcoming black and white thinking

2017 has been an important year on multiple fronts. With the…

Erasmusx10 campaign launched

CEC European Managers has joined the Erasmus+ Coalition and…

Make social Europe a reality

On the occasion of the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth on…

CEC welcomes Directive proposal for more transparent working conditions

The European Commission has published a proposal for a directive…

Europe needs sustainable growth and better social protection

At the Tripartite Social Summit on 18 October, CEC European…

The “doughnut-model” – A compass for managers?

Growing global risks like climate change and poverty on the one…