Sustainable Leaders’ Summit 2021: new leadership for new times

On 26 November, the first Sustainable Leaders’ Summit will…

“Fit for 55” package : transitioning towards a net-zero economy

With the legislative package presented by the European Commission…

Check against delivery: Slovenia takes on Presidency of Council

As Slovenia takes on the Presidency of the Council of the European…

Leveraging social innovation for a more resilient EU economy

In its response to the European Commission's consultation on…

Tackling unprecedented employment and mental health crisis

Eurofound’s new “Living, working and COVID-19“ report depicts…

Activity Report 2018-2021: Solid Foundations for Changing Times

The Activity Report 2018-2021 highlights CEC European Managers’…

A new leading team at the head of CEC European Managers

On May 27th 2021,the General Assembly of CEC European Managers…

Report: Mainstreaming Gender Equality in European Leadership

Advancing on gender equality in the workplace - a managerial…

Europe and its citizens will have to shape together the journey to the future of social Europe started in Porto

On the occasion of Europe Day and the launch of the Conference…

The platform economy needs to deliver on sustainable innovation for people and business

In its response to the European Commission’s consultation on…