A forward-looking budget for Europe is needed

To help shape a more sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future,…

European migration policy : between hysteria and opportunities

Currently, Europe faces a divide between contrasting attitudes…

The European Commission presents its proposals for a European Labour Authority and for access to social protection

CEC European Managers welcomes the two initiatives as the result…

Dedicated hearing – initiative on the European Labour Authority and the European Social Security Number

European social partners, including CEC, have been invited…

The year in short: an urgent call for overcoming black and white thinking

2017 has been an important year on multiple fronts. With the…

Make social Europe a reality

On the occasion of the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth on…

Juncker proposes a European Social Standards Union

In his state of the Union speech, European Commission President…

EU company law consultation

CEC European Managers has participated in the consultation on…

Summer debate on the future of Europe

CEC European Managers launches its summer debate on the future…

Commission proposal on pan-European Personal Pension Products

The European Commission has recently submitted its proposal for…