Event: making smart change happen with organizational evolution and innovation

How are companies and economic actors modifying their operational…

A new energy horizon for Europe, technological opportunities to support the transition

CEC’s Working group on Smart change held its first webinar…

Young leaders call for coherence in tackling crises

The Sustainable Leadership working group by CEC European Managers…

Sustainable Leaders’ Summit: sustainability at the heart of managerial professions

The Sustainable Leaders’ Summit took place both online and…

Meeting with Commissioner Schmit : turbulent times need orientation

Last November 12, the CEC Executive Board met Commissioner for…

Tripartite Social Summit: we’re responsible for making 2030 work says President Legrand

During his speech at the Tripartite Social Summit, President…

Building bridges to the future: CEC European Managers celebrates 70 years of history

This year, CEC European Managers celebrates 70 years of history.…

Sustainable Leaders’ Summit 2021: new leadership for new times

On 26 November, the first Sustainable Leaders’ Summit will…

CIC at the International Labour Conference in Geneva

At the 109th Session of the International Labour Conference in…

A new leading team at the head of CEC European Managers

On May 27th 2021,the General Assembly of CEC European Managers…