Il position paper #BeyondBias ora disponibile in italiano: strumenti pratici per superare i pregiudizi inconsci sul posto di lavoro
Il documento "Pregiudizi inconsci sul posto di lavoro: consigli…

Women on Board 2025 lands in Brussels: CEC European Managers hosts the event for inclusive leadership
CEC European Managers hosted the seventh stage of the Women on…

Women on Board 2025 sbarca a Bruxelles: CEC European Managers ospita l’evento per una leadership inclusiva
CEC European Managers ha ospitato la settima tappa del progetto…

European Managers Reveal 20 Proven Ways to Overcome Bias in Leadership
Leaders and managers across Europe have turned groundbreaking…

“Vision, innovation, and ambition are just as crucial in business as in the arts”
The Slovenian Managers’ Association, our member organisation…

EU Observer: Italian Leaders Unpack Europe’s Key Policy Developments
Our Italian member organisation, Manager e Alte Professionalità…

Eurofound Dives into How Social Partners Shaped Europe’s Labour Policies
The past 50 years have been a transformative era for Europe,…

Leaders Emphasize Women in Management and Structural Gender Bias in Consultation
Ana Carla Pereira, Director of Equality and Non-Discrimination…

“El colectivo de managers somos el alma de las empresas”
Desde la CEC European Managers hemos tenido la oportunidad y…

“Managers are the soul of companies”
At CEC European Managers, we had the pleasure of interviewing…