CEC welcomes Directive proposal for more transparent working conditions
The European Commission has published a proposal for a directive…

EU company law consultation
CEC European Managers has participated in the consultation on…

Consultations: access to social protection and written statement directive
CEC European Managers has participated to two recent consultations:…

CEC responds to the public consultation on whistleblowers’ protection
CEC European Managers participated in the online public consultation…

European Pillar of Social Rights Consultation
In its response to the consultation, CEC European Managers…

Consultation on work-life balance
In its response to the consultation, CEC European Managers has…

Consultation – A new skills agenda for Europe
In February 2016, CEC European Managers has participated…

Consultation – Challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers
Please find the first phase consultation on "Challenges of work-life…

Consultation – Mobility package: social security coordination and the posting of workers
As representatives of managers, a category of workers with a…

Consultation – Consolidation of EU directives on information and consultation of workers
Please find our contribution to the first phase consolidation…