Il position paper #BeyondBias ora disponibile in italiano: strumenti pratici per superare i pregiudizi inconsci sul posto di lavoro
Il documento "Pregiudizi inconsci sul posto di lavoro: consigli…

Women on Board 2025 lands in Brussels: CEC European Managers hosts the event for inclusive leadership
CEC European Managers hosted the seventh stage of the Women on…

Position Paper: 20 Recommendations to Managers to Lead Beyond Unconscious Bias
“Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: Practical Advice for Managers”…

Avoid diversity metrics; ensure minority employees are included and empowered – #BeyondBias 4/20
Diversity metrics have long been used as a benchmark for progress…

#BeyondBias – Creating Safe Spaces
In today’s workplace, ensuring employees have a safe space…

Implement anonymised CV screening to minimize gender, race/ethnic, or age biases – #BeyondBias 3/20
The third recommendation of the #BeyondBias campaign goes around…

#BeyondBias: Departing Employees—Especially Minorities—Hold the Key to Competitiveness
When employees leave, they take knowledge, expertise, and, often,…

Educate all employees, particularly those in leadership, about implicit biases and their impacts – #BeyondBias 2/20
The second recommendation of the #BeyondBias campaign calls on…

#BeyondBias: Presented at EU Commission’s Liaison Forum
On 27 November 2024, the Beyunbi project, coordinated by CEC…

#BeyondBias: Anonymised CVs
"Whether you are 25 or 55, what should matter is your ability…