Report: Ageism excludes managerial talent

In an increasingly knowledge-intensive economy, all managerial talent must be harnessed, regardless of age. The supply of skills has become one of the biggest challenges both for private companies and the public sector. Shortage of skills hampers the development of the business and threatens the competitiveness of trade and industry and the quality of welfare. Despite this, people are systematically not selected in recruitment situations due to their age, while at the same time we are expected to work to an increasingly advanced age.

As covered by a new report from Swedish CEC member Ledarna, studies in Sweden show that the likelihood of being contacted by an employer for recruitment drops sharply as early as the age of 40. But age discrimination doesn’t just affect older people. Young people are also not selected, particularly when they apply for managerial posts. The survey on which this report is based includes more than 1,500 managers who answered questions about age for the purpose of providing greater knowledge on the existence of ageism in working life.

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“Ageism excludes managerial talent” report