François Hommeril, CFE-CGC

François Hommeril highlights the proposals of CFE-CGC

Our communications colleagues Mathieu Bahuet and Gilles Lockhart, from our member organisation in France, CFE-CGC, interviewed François Hommeril. As president of the organisation, he reflects on the electoral result in France and emphasizes the importance of quickly having an interlocutor and executive power, whatever the current political situation.

Hommeril underscores that CFE-CGC, will continue to work with all political parties to put forward its proposals and defend the interests of managers and leaders, often neglected in recent reforms such as those of pensions and unemployment insurance.

He believes that pension and unemployment insurance reforms must be abandoned because they are based on incorrect analyses and unfairly penalize employees. He calls for opening a tripartite dialogue to find solutions adapted to seniors in the labor market.

In this regard, Hommeril criticizes the Court of Auditors for its political approach and its lack of focus on the effectiveness of public aid. He underlines that employee detachment, lack of career prospects, and insufficient recognition in companies are major economic problems requiring strong solutions to improve the attractiveness of the world of work.

Olympic Games and social charter

The social charter signed in 2018 to govern the work of the Paris Olympics produced positive results in terms of safety and working conditions.

Paris 2024 was committed to a social charter with union and employer organisations, signed on June 19, 2018. This is a first for a major sporting event and guarantees a responsible and sustainable approach.


Hommeril, however, criticizes the government for weakening the Labor Code and emphasizes the importance of maintaining strict social standards.


As soon as we are demanding on standards, we obtain results.

François Hommeril

President of CFE-CGC


CFE-CGC calls for strengthening social dialogue, emphasizing that the future government will have to rely on social consensus to carry out reforms. The unions, affirms Hommeril, are ready to work together and want to rebalance forces with the employers in the negotiations.

Hommeril notes that progress in the areas of negotiations on work accidents and occupational diseases (AT/MP), and the governance of social protection groups (GPS) are underway. He notes progress in these areas, notably thanks to current political pressure.

Members and activists of CFE-CGC are encouraged to become privileged interlocutors of the future government. Social partners must fully exercise their prerogatives to defend the interests of workers and ensure economic success on the ground.

You can read the full interview via this link.